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Obama family spends active day on MDI
“I went with coconut,” Obama said as he walked out of the shop. Licking his cone, he said: “This stuff is terrific. Excellent. I strongly recommend it.”
Maine ice cream shop once again named one of America’s Best
Mount Desert Island Ice Cream, which has already been lauded as one of the country’s best ice cream makers by the ABC talk show “The View” as well as Food & Wine magazine, is adding another voice to those singing its praises.
Blogosphere goes bananas over "black power" sundaes
The company boasts “fearless flavor” as its motto, but with varieties such as Mexican chocolate, blueberry basil and stout, her customers are more likely to encounter a Fig Newton at her business than they are Huey Newton.
50 Things to Do in Maine
“Mount Desert Island Ice Cream may be the best ice cream in the state.”